Thursday, December 4, 2008


Agoraphobia is an anxiety order, often precipitated by the fear of having a panic attack in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape.Agorophobics may experience panic attacks in situations where they feel trapped,insecure,out of control or too far from theirpersonal comfort zone.Such patients are confined to their home only, as they only consider their home to be safe. The movie 'Finding Forrester' is based on the fictitious character, William Forrester who was suffering from the above mentioned phobia .
William Forrester is a character in movie 'Finding Forrester'.He is a brilliant novelist but he wrote only one book and after writing one book he grounded himself.He is an arrogant person and doesnt like to talk much.He hates anyones interference in his life. The character of William Forrester is similar to that of J.D. Salinger.Both Forrester and Salinger are notoriously isolated authors.Both wrote only one book that became wildly popular: Salinger’s "the Catcher in the Rye" and Forrester's Avalon Landing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


This story dates back to the time when Burma was ruled by the British and the Europeans and how Indians and Burmese were hostile against the white people as they were oppressed by them.
But on the other hand orwell felt deep down in his heart that imperialism is an evil thing and he was all for the Burmese but had to follow the british rules as he was a British servant so the meaning of enemy differs here.So this story points to the fact that the general feeling of the Britishers for the Burmese was different from the thoughts of the British Raj.
Also in this story although orwell did not want to shoot the elephant but he did so to grant the wishes of the local people and also to show the supremecy of the British rule.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


After spending endless boring days at home,we finally decided to go on a picnic and after having a huge family discussion on where to go we came to the conclusion that we would go for rafting .

At last the most awaited day came.I was ecstatic and very excited and luckily the weather could not suit the situation any better.It was a bright sunny,slightly hazy morning and the heat was on its peak.My mother packed a large basket full of nice and tasty snacks.This was the thing I was more interested in rather than rafting.

On our way,I just could not take my eyes off the mesmerising scenery.All we could see were lush green fields,farmers working,reapers reaping,ducks wabbing in the pound and many more breath-taking scenes.While listening to songs on my i-pod,everything looked more beautiful.My sister was grumbling all the way as she was least interested in rafting.On the other hand my dad was discussing his love for rafting and sharing his experiences about his good 'old' days.

When we finally reached our destination ,we enjoyed ourselves more than we could imagine.The sun made the river glow more like a diamond.Even my sister who was not interested in rafting enjoyed herself thoroughly.And that was the best outing of my holidays.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My mother must have thought at the time of sehri"Damn I am again late.How am i going to prepare in such a short time,only 20 minutes are left but first let me wake up my three sleepy heads who are still sleeping and waking them up is the toughest job."Then my mother enters the room and screams"Wake up u lazy children its getting late,atleast help me in setting the table i cant do every thing alone.THIS IS THE LAST TIME I AM WAKING YOU UP AFTER THIS I WONT AND THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO KEEP THE FAST WITHOUT HAVING SEHRI SO WAAKKE UUPP."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

About ME!!!

Well wat to write about name is NAYAB KHAN....turned 18 on 11 feb....did my metric n inter from commerce side...and my hobbies includes watching tv, surfing the net and oh yes how can i forget eating i lovee eating:D....and sleeping is my favourite time pass so whenever i find myself free i always prefer sleeping.....and ya love hanging out with friends....i guess thats it!! cHAO!